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May 30, 2024

Greetings, waifu.ist nation !! This is simply a placeholder page for now as i finish up an exam and finally transition from the school months into summer months you know how it is! I will get straight to work with this webpage soon i pinky promise forever.

That being said i could introduce myself a little bit HIIII i'm jovie i'm 17 i'm what they call a Girl (she/her) and i like ena a lot with all my heart ^-^ I have been quietly exploring the fandom since late 2020 but now i think it's time i leave my mark (In a gay way)! Her silly little world touches my heart so much you can't even fathom ... but i'll leave you all in suspense about the specifics until maybe three or four days from now. :3

This page probably won't be the most elaborate and detailed, partly because my html skills are sub-par at the moment (ahem) but also i'm currently planning on making my very own widely-encompassing neocities webpage as well some time this summer (in which case i'll link this page over there of course!) but i do want to have some place i create that is dedicated to ena-liking so i figured this would do :-) Just expect a little one-page shrine sort of thingy on this page. I'll come up with the layout as i go ^_^ BYEBYE FOR NOW!! Here is one little sample of my selfship art for the road. Spins away

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